A new church in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn. Building up families verse-by-verse to love our neighbors block-by-block. For Cobble Hill, Boerum Hill, Red Hook, Park Slope, Gowanus, Columbia Street Waterfront, Downtown Brooklyn, Dumbo, and beyond!

But is it changing for the good?


People flow in and out of the city.
Businesses come and go.
Technology advances.
Costs increase.
Hardships multiply.
Seasons change.

  • Are we optimistic about the future for our children?

  • Are the needy finding holistic support?

  • Is systemic injustice truly being corrected?



2,000 years ago,

Jesus Christ changed
the world.

He ate with both rich and poor, cared for the sick and needy, stood before rulers and loved the outcast. He was looked down upon by the religious elite and was associated with prostitutes and drunkards. He fully and selflessly loved the messy, mixed up, and broken and established a group of his students called the church to share His message and love with all of the world.

So the question is:

If Jesus Christ lived in Brooklyn...
how would the world change for good?

We hope to continue in the same Spirit that transformed the world 2,000 years ago by starting a new church gathering in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn.

Night Of Worship Brooklyn Church

Night of Worship

Kids That Care Event - Supporting Survivors of Domestic Violence


Pastor Alan Kahn & Family


Carroll Gardens Nanny Appreciation Brunch


Building up families verse-by-verse to love our neighbors block-by-block.




Brooklyn Church End of Summer BBQ

Current Gatherings:

As a new church, we really would love to make a personal connection with you.

If you’re interested in meeting, please contact us below!

Upcoming Events:



As we pray for God to reach the hearts of people in one of the least churched neighborhoods in of one of the most influential cities in the world, we humbly ask that you consider to partner with us through financial support.

You may contribute online using your credit card, debit card, or direct debit from your checking/savings account.

Brooklyn Church, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.
